1. Copy Paste Pokemon Go
  2. Copypasta Pokemon
  3. Copypasta Poker Play
  4. Copypasta Poker Games
  5. Copypasta Joker

** MADE BY ITzEPiiC **
******* 2010 *********
*****WELTER 2011******
***EDITED BY******
***AGENTK9 2019*****
title WOPR
goto start
color 0F
set name=
set /p name=Login:
if '%name%'NAME' goto password
if not '%name%'NAME' goto lock
set /p password=Password:
if '%password%'Joshua' goto unlock
if not '%password%'Joshua' goto lock
echo Identification not recognized by system.
echo --Connection Terminated--
goto end
set /p a= Greetings %name%.
set /p b= How are you feeling today?
set /p c= Excellent. It's been a long time.
set /p games= Shall we play a game?
if not '%games%'yes' goto hate
if '%games%'yes' goto games
set /p games= Games List: Flakens Maze, Black Jack, Gin Rummy, Hearts, Bridge, Checkers, Chess, Poker. END OF LIST.
if '%games%'Falkens Maze' goto falken
if '%games%'falkens maze' goto falken
if '%games%'Black Jack' goto black
if '%games%'black jack' goto black
if '%games%'Gin Rummy' goto gin
if '%games%'gin rummy' goto gin
if '%games%'Hearts' goto hearts
if '%games%'hearts' goto hearts
if '%games%'Bridge' goto bridge
if '%games%'bridge' goto bridge
if '%games%'Checkers' goto check
if '%games%'checkers' goto check
if '%games%'Chess' goto chess
if '%games%'chess' goto chess
if '%games%'Poker' goto poker
if '%games%'poker' goto poker
if '%games%'Global Thermonuclear War' goto GTW
if '%games%'global thermonuclear war' goto GTW
if '%games%'Tic Tac Toe' goto tic
if '%games%'tic tac toe' goto tic
if not '%games%'Falkens Maze' goto hate
if not '%games%'falkens maze' goto hate
if not '%games%'Black Jack' goto hate
if not '%games%'black jack' goto hate
if not '%games%'Gin Rummy' goto hate
if not '%games%'gin rummy' goto hate
if not '%games%'Hearts' goto hate
if not '%games%'hearts' goto hate
if not '%games%'Bridge' goto hate
if not '%games%'bridge' goto hate
if not '%games%'Checkers' goto hate
if not '%games%'checkers' goto hate
if not '%games%'Chess' goto hate
if not '%games%'chess' goto hate
if not '%games%'Poker' goto hate
if not '%games%'poker' goto hate
if not '%games%'Global Thermonuclear War' goto hate
if not '%games%'global thermonuclear war' goto hate
if not '%games%'Tic Tac Toe' goto hate
if not '%games%'tic tac toe' goto hate
start chrome https://www.kongregate.com/games/djgiza/falkens-m...
start chrome https://www.arkadium.com/games/blackjack/
start chrome https://cardgames.io/ginrummy/
start chrome https://www.aol.com/games/play/masque-publishing/...
start chrome https://www.arkadium.com/games/bridge/
start chrome https://www.coolmathgames.com/0-checkers
start chrome https://www.chess.com/play/computer
start chrome https://www.247freepoker.com/
start chrome https://www.myabandonware.com/game/global-thermon...
start chrome https://playtictactoe.org/
echo O.K. I really wish we could have played a game together. Perhaps another time. Logging off user.
Be sure to change 'NAME' to your name for it to work

Copypasta poker play


Copy Paste Pokemon Go

Copypasta Pokemon

Some point out that if you count up all the spots on the cards, you come up with only 364, not the 365 claimed. The 1865 version contained an explanation for that, which has also been dropped from newer accounts:

When I count how many spots there are in a pack of cards, I find there are three hundred and sixty-five, there are so many days in the year.

Stop, said the mayor that is a mistake. I grant it, said the soldier, but as I have never yet seen an Almanack that was teoroughly [sic] correct in all points it would have been impossible for me to have imitated an Almanack exactly without a mistake. Your observations are very correct said the mayor. Go on.

Given that the tale has been in print since 1778, if the author of the 1948 song “knew that soldier,” as he claimed in the final line of the song, he was very long-lived indeed.

Other catechism-type songs have been around for centuries. One such musical delight many (erroneously) think falls into this category is “The 12 Days of Christmas,” but a genuine example of the genre is “A New Dial,” a question-and-answer song dating to at least 1625, which assigns religious meanings to each of the twelve days of Christmas:

Copypasta PokerWhat are they that are but one?
We have one God alonePoker
In heaven above sits on His throne.

What are they which are by two?
Two testaments, the old and new,
We do acknowledge to be true.

What are they which are but three?
Three persons in the Trinity
Which make one God in unity.

What are they which are but four
Four sweet Evangelists there are,
Christ’s birth, life, death which do declare.

What are they which are but five?
Five senses, like five kings, maintain
In every man a several reign.

What are they which are but six?
Six days to labor is not wrong,
For God himself did work so long.

What are they which are but seven?
Seven liberal arts hath God sent down
With divine skill man’s soul to crown.

What are they which are but eight?
Eight Beatitudes are there given
Use them right and go to heaven.

Copypasta Poker Play

What are they which are but nine?
Nine Muses, like the heaven’s nine spheres,
With sacred tunes entice our ears.

What are they which are but ten?
Ten statutes God to Moses gave
Which, kept or broke, do spill or save.

What are they which are but eleven?
Eleven thousand virgins did partake
And suffered death for Jesus’ sake.

What are they which are but twelve?
Twelve are attending on God’s son;
Twelve make our creed. The Dial’s done.

Copypasta Poker Games

Barbara “guest who’s coming to sinner?” Mikkelson

Copypasta Joker

Glabb, Charles. “His Prayer Answered.”

The Toronto Star. 26 November 1995 (p E4).
Jones, Rebecca. “God Deals Deck of Cards.”

Denver Rocky Mountain News. 9 May 1999 (p. D12).
Osborne, Jerry. “Country Hit’s Faith is in the Cards.”

Chicago Sun-Times. 26 July 1996 (Weekend Plus; p. 22).