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  • »5 Biggest Cash Game Pots In Online Poker History
  1. Biggest Pot Online Poker Deuces Wild
  2. Biggest Pot Online Poker Games
  3. Biggest Pot Online Poker Real Money
  4. Online Poker Biggest Pot Ever

Poker tournament players often find themselves in the limelight and hogging the headlines due to the very nature of the game. Tournaments crown a champion, the last player standing who usually turns a small investment into a much larger sum. While that is true, cash is king when it comes to making regular money from poker despite cash game players often flying under the radar.

The biggest cash game pot in online history For over a decade, no other recorded cash game pot has beaten Patrick Antonius and Viktor “Isildur1” Blom’s smashing record in value. With online poker in its peak back in 2009, the historic $1.35 million Pot Limit Omaha hand played through on Full Tilt, granting Antonius the huge win. The 9♣ on the river was no help to Blom and Antonius raked a monster pot – the biggest online pot in history. Isildur1 Gets Some Back Against Ivey Just a couple days later, Blom got some of those chips back in a massive pot with Phil Ivey in another $500/$1,000 PLO heads-up match. PokerStars is the biggest poker room in the world and offers an awesome variety of games. From the super high-limits to some of the rarest mixed games and newer variants like Shortdeck Holdem.

We’ll go through the biggest online poker pots in ascending order, so you can skip ahead if you’re itching to see the biggest of the bunch: 5. Tom “durrrr” Dwan vs Urindanger in a $657,073 pot. Durrrr vs John Juanda in a $678,072 pot. John Juanda vs Phil Ivey in a $687,023 pot. Viktor “Isildur1” Blom vs durrrr in a $694,954 pot.

Massive cash game pots are won and lost every day in casinos around the world, but these tend to go unnoticed as live high stakes games are often private. Online poker, however, is a different story as you can watch the action unfold in front of you.

There was a golden spell in the online poker world during 2009 that saw some ridiculous hands take place. A then-unknown player called “Isildur1”, who we now know to be Viktor Blom of Sweden, appeared from apparently nowhere and took on some of the world’s elite players at nosebleed stakes at Full Tilt Poker, now owned by PokerStars.

Five of the biggest cash game pots in online poker history involved Blom and all were played on heads-up pot-limit Omaha tables with blinds of $500/$1,000. Here is how those massive hands went down.

Biggest Pot Online Poker Deuces Wild

Patrick Antonius vs Viktor “Isildur1” Blom – $1,356,947

Patrik Antonius, winner of the biggest ever online cash game pot

The biggest ever online poker cash game pot weighed it at an incredible $1,356,947 and it went to Finnish superstar Patrik Antonius. At the start of the hand, Blom had a stack of $678,473 with Antonius was sat with $1,259,450.

Blom was on the button and raised to $3,000 holding 9s-8h-7d-6d. Antonius responded with a three-bet to $9,000 holding Ah-Kh-Ks-3s. Blom four-bet to $27,000 and then called when Antonius five-bet to $81,000.

With $162,000 already in the pot, the flop fell 4s-5c-2h, gifting Antonius a straight. Antonius fired a bet of $91,000 only to see Blom raise to $435,000 leaving himself a shade under $163,000 behind. Antonius raised to $870,000 and Blom called off the remainder of his stack to create the huge $1,356,947 pot.

Antonius was a very slight 54.63% to 45.37% favorite to win the monster-sized pot, odds that increased to 77.50% on the arrival of the 5h turn because the Finn now had the nut flush draw in his arsenal, taking away some of Blom’s precious outs. The river was the 9c and the pot slid to Antonius, stacking Blom and sending railbirds wild.

Phil Ivey vs Viktor “Isildur1” Blom – $1,127,955

Viktor Blom was involved in all five of the biggest online cash game pots of all time

Blom was involved in another seven-figure pot two days after breaking the record. Again, it was on a $500/$1,000 PLO heads-up table, although this time the Swede had locked horns with the legendary Phil Ivey.

Ivey started the hand with $563,977 and Blom $638.457. Ivey opened with a raise to $3,000, Blom put in a raise to $9,000 before calling Ivey’s four-bet to $27,000. Both players checked the arrival of the Js-Ks-Jd flop. Ivey then led for $41,000 into the $54,000 pot when the Td landed on the turn. Blom raised to $177,000 and was called.

The river was the 5d and Ivey checked again. Blom bet $408,000 and Ivey called off his remaining $359,977 only to muck his hand when Blom turned over Kd-Kc-5h-4d for a flopped full house.

Patrick Antonius vs Viktor “Isildur1” Blom – $878,959

Antonius and Blom clashed a week before the biggest cash game pot of all time in a hand that saw the Finn scoop $878,959.

The hand started with a raise to $3,000 from Blom and a call from his opponent. Antonius checked the 5h-7h-Qs flop and Blom made a continuation bet of $5,000. Antonius check-raised to $21,000 and Blom put in the calling chips.

Antonius led for $48,000 on the Ad turn, Blom made it $192,000 to go and Antonius jammed all in for $416,479. Blom called and turned over As-Ks-Qd-Th for top two pair, with Antonius revealing Ah-Qc-9s-6h for top two pair, an inside straight draw and a flush draw, making him a narrow favorite as the most likely result (62.5% chance) was a split pot. That did not happeen because the river was the 8d, completing Antonius’ straight. Ouch.

Phil Ivey vs Viktor “Isildur1” Blom – $832,940

The fourth biggest online cash game pot involved Ivey and Blom and weighed in at $832,940. It was a classic middle set versus flush draw scenario that saw $54,000 in the middle of the table before the Ac-6c-4d flop was dealt.

Ivey checked the flop, Blom fired a $42,000 bet, Ivey made it $180,000 to go and then called when Blom moved all in for $389,470. Blom showed 6h-6d-3s-3h for a set of sixes, with Ivey turning over As-Qc-7s-3c for top pair and a flush draw.

The turn was a blank but the river was the king of clubs, completing Ivey’s flush and awarding him another huge pot.

Phil Ivey vs Viktor “Isildur1” Blom – $827,960

Ivey may have seen that last pot as sweet revenge for this hand, the fifth biggest in online history, as it happened 90-minutes before.

Ivey raised to $3,000 and called when Blom three-bet to $9,000. Blom continued for $15,000 on the 9s-2h-6s flop and Ivey opted to call. All the chips went into the middle on the 8d turn. Blom started it with a $42,000 bet that was raised to $157,000 by Ivey. Blom pushed his $389,980 stack into the middle and Ivey called.

It was Tc-8c-7s-3s for Ivey that had improved to a straight with a flush draw, and Qh-Jh-Td-9c for Blom for nothing but top pair with an inside straight draw, giving him exactly 20% equity in the hand. Amazingly, the 7c landed on the turn to give Blom a better straight and an $827,960 pot.

Can you believe that 2014 is almost halfway over? The first half of the year has brought some exciting and memorable hands at Full Tilt Poker, the home to some of the biggest nosebleed online poker games.

The Full Tilt Poker blog recently presented a two-part series on the top 10 hands of the year so far. Not surprisingly these also represent the top ten biggest pots anywhere online so far in 2014 according to HighStakesDB. Here is a look at the top five.

5. Denoking vs SanIker – $265,196

The fifth biggest hand in the first half of 2014 at Full Tilt Poker took place on June 3, 2014, in a $300/$600 no-limit hold'em heads-up match on table 'Bethel' between high-stake poker pros 'Denoking' and 'SanIker'. Unfortunately for SanIker he also is the victim of the biggest cooler of the year so far as well.

Biggest Pot Online Poker Games

The action started simply enough with SanIker defending his blinds with after Denoking opened to $1,800 with . SanIker was attempting to disguise his hand by check calling a Denoking's pot-sized bet after hitting two pairs on a flop.

The on the turn made this hand difficult for either player to get away from with SanIker hitting second nuts with a full house (jacks over eights) and Denoking with trip jacks. SanIker checked again, but this time when faced with a bet from Denoking he raised the action, building the pot for the climatic river.

Denoking hit his three-outer on the river when the magically appeared and SanIker pushed all-in for the $91,198 he had left, awarding Denoking a huge $265,196 pot, the fifth biggest of the year.

4. luvtheWNBA vs Isildur1 – $269,063

The fourth biggest pot of the year takes us back to the beginning of the year when two of the biggest names in the game, Isaac 'luvtheWNBA' Haxton and Viktor 'Isildur1' Blom, faced off in a $400/$800 heads-up no limit hold'em match on Jan. 22.

The action was fast right away with Haxton raising to $2,700 on the button with and Blom three-betting to $9,600 with . The flop came , giving Haxton top pair. Despite missing the flop, Blom made a continuation of $12,800 which Haxton called.

The appeared on the turn to give Haxton an unbeatable two pair against Blom's Ace high. Blom fired out $38,200 and instead of raising, Haxton called.

Blom tried to take advantage of a potential flush draw when the appeared on the river by betting his remaining $79,331. Haxton called and hauled in the massive $269,063 pot.

3. Denoking vs SanIker – $275,400

This year's third biggest pot once again involved Denoking and SanIker in the same session that brought the year's fifth biggest pot. Denoking opens the action preflop to $1,800 with and called when SanIker three-bet to $5,400.

Denoking drilled the flop and raised SanIker's continuation bet on a draw heavy board. Denoking continued to play big when he fired out a pot-sized bet on the turn of , which SanIker calls.

The appeared on the river, adding multiple potential straights to the board. Denoking was not scared away and fired out a bet of 1/3 of the pot which SanIker called, awarding Denoking a massive $275,400 pot.


2. Bttech86 vs Isildur1 – $283,696

The second biggest pot of the year was between Ben 'Bttech86' Tollerene and Viktor 'Isildur1' Blom in $400/$800 pot-limit Omaha action on Jan. 22, the same day Blom was on the losing end of the fourth biggest pot of the year.

Tollerene five-bet the pot preflop against Blom to $76,800 with against Blom's , making it almost certain Blom would be all-in at some point in the hand.

Biggest Pot Online Poker Real Money

The flop of gave Blom top pair and a nut flush draw to give him some hope. However, fate was not on his side when his hand did not improve despite both players opting to run it twice. After dodging Blom's draw-heavy hand twice, Tollerene padded his bankroll with a $283,696 pot.

1. luvtheWNBA vs Isildur1 – $322,094

Jan. 22 wasn't the best day in Blom's career. Not only was he on the losing end of the second and fourth biggest pots of the year, but once again he found himself coming up short against Isaac Haxton in the biggest pot of the year in $400/$800 no-limit hold'em.

Online Poker Biggest Pot Ever

Biggest Pot Online PokerOnline

Blom raised to $2,400 preflop and called Haxton's three-bet to $8,000. Haxton continuation-bet the flop of , which had both straight and flush possibilities. Blom called the flop and also called a $34,000 bet by Haxton on the turn.

Haxton was all-in when the came on the river. Blom called and rewarded Haxton with $322,094, the biggest pot of the year, when Haxton turned over giving him a queen-high flush.


You can read more about the top ten biggest pots at Full Tilt Poker so far in 2014 in Part 1 and Part 2 of the FTP blog.

Data, hands and replayer obtained from HighStakesDB.com

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    Full Tilt PokerBen TollereneIsaac HaxtonIsildur1Viktor BlomOmahaPoker Players
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